The device is designed to measure the temperature of the road and the air. The measured values are shown on the diplay. It also alerts drivers if the road is slippery, by diplaying SLIPPERY and FROSTY. Power is provided by a solar set connected to a battery.
1. measuring the temperature and moisture content of the road, and displaying SLIPPERY and FROSTY if necessary. If you see the ‘car’ icon on the display, the temperature of the road is shown.
2. measuring the temperature of the air with a thermometer in a simple solar radiation shield. If you see the ‘cloud’ icon on the display, the temperature of the air is shown.
Size: 1340 x 750 x 45 mm
Character height: 310 mm
Size of ‘cloud’ icon: 340 x 250 mm
Size of ‘car’ icon: 340 x 250 mm
Device for measuring the temperature of the air: DS18S20 digital thermometer in a simple solarradiation shield, length of the cable 3m
Device for measuring the parametres of the road: Boschung IT-sens
LED type: high-brightness, 30 degrees
Communication: RS485
Power supply: solar set
Mounting: C profil
Operating temperature: -20°C +50°C
Weight: 11,4 kg
Brightness setting: depending on the intensity of ambient lighting, it automatically changes brightness of the LED
Charging battery: controlled by a microprocessor